JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 1, No 3, August 1998, p. 38-43, 3 figs.

Geophysical landslide investigation and

prediction in the hydrotechnical works

Alfred Frasheri *, Ludvig Kapllani *, Foto Dhima **

* Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Geology and Mining, Tirana, Albania

** Institute of Hydrotechnical Studies and Projects, Tirana, Albania

(Received 12 April 1998; accepted 15 June 1998 )

Abstract: The results of the geophysical surveys of some of Albania’s largest landslides are analysed. The slides have developed along the shores of the hydropower plant lakes in Fierza, Vau Dejes, and Banja. These three slides are analysed in various geological and morphological conditions. The applied geophysical surveying methods in these areas are also described.

Key Words: Landslide prediction, Hydrotechnical works.