JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 3, No 1, February 2000, p. 3-6, 4 figs.


Finite element modelling of IP anomalous effect from bodies
of any shape located in rugged relief area

Alfred Frasheri1,3 and Neki Frasheri2,3

1 Faculty of Geology and Mining, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania

2 Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics; Tirana, Albania

3 QUANTEC IP Inc., Toronto, Canada

(Received 6 July 1999; accepted 2 December 2000)

Abstract: Finite element modelling of geoelectrical sections is carried out in two cases: (a) Ore bodies with a massive texture and an electrical resistivity in contrast with the resistivity of the surrounding rocks, where 2.5D modelling is applied; (b) Ore bodies with a disseminated texture having no contrast of resistivity with the surrounding rocks, where 3D models are under use. Two parameters characterize the constructed model - the apparent resisitivity and the induced polarization. The effect of the relief as well as of the global geological structure is taken into account. Case studies shown demonstrate different effects and usability of the modelling by finite elements.

The results of such a modelling are presented according to a new method of "geoelectrical real section", proposed by Perparim Alikaj, and developed recently in QUANTEQ IP Inc., Canada. They are a synthesis of many year's works of the authors in collaboration with this company in a number of projects.

Key Words: IP modelling, Resistivity modelling, Finite element modelling, Realsection