Geophysical outlook on structure of the Albanides

Alfred Frasheri1*, Salvatore Bushati2 and Vilson Bare3

1 Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Geology and Mining , Albania .

2 Academy of Sciences of Republic of Albania , Tirana , Albania

3 National Scientific Center of Hydrocarbons, Fier , Albania

(*) Corresponding author (

(Received 16 May 2009; accepted 28 November 2009)

Abstract:  The Albanides represent the assemblage of the geological structures in the territory of Albania . This paper presents a review of the existing seismological, reflection seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical, and geothermal information, and relates them to the geological structure of the Albanides. Two major paleogeographic domains form the Albanides. The Internal Albanides belong to the Subpelagonian Trough. The External Albanides develop out of the Western passive margin and continental shelf of the Adriatic plate. Regional gravity anomalies are attributed to the depth variation of the Moho discontinuity, and the block structure setting of the crust. The Albanides are interrupted by a system of longitudinal fractures in NW - SE direction and transversal fractures. Intensive Bouguer anomalies and turbulent magnetic field with weak anomalies characterize the ophiolithic belt of the Internal Albanides. These data favor the allochton character of ophiolites. The Internal and the External Albanides show a nape character. A common feature of Ionian and Kruja structural belts in External Albanides is their Westward thrusting. Two tectonic styles are observed in the Ionian zone, namely duplex and imbricate tectonics. Miocene and Pliocene molasses of Peri-Adriatic Depression cover the Western part of Ionian zone.